Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 2010 Chicano Caucus Newsletter

Febrauary 2010 Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Chicano Caucus of Columbia University Newsletter is now out. The newsletter shows how successful our events were last semester and you can rest assured that we will continue to provide great events every semester. Let's thank Rebecca Martinez Barnard '10 , Ann Fernandez Barnard '12, Nataly Sauceda CC '12, and Angelica Duron CC '12 for their hard work in putting this amazing newsletter together.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Census Outreach = FUN

In the kickoff event for our Census initiative, the Chicanos went out
to Jackson Heights to participate in an official 2010 Census Road Tour
event, ensuring to all who came that the Census is safe, easy, and

For more information about the 2010 Census, the Census Road Tour, and
how you can take part, visit